Engagement, Relationships and Partnership Toolkit

Using the Engagement, Relationships and Partnership Toolkit

The Engagement, Relationships and Partnership (ERP) Toolkit consists of two main pages:

Background and Context: Descriptive information about the intent, goals and development of the Toolkit as well as relevant CPM values around partnering
Tools and Resources: A set of guiding principles for every stage of county work with partners, including relevant tools, exercises, examples and resources that can used to support priorities identified in CPM implementation plans

Additional content is available on the ERP Webinar page.

The complete ERP Toolkit is available as a PDF in a format useful for printing and sharing. The ERP Toolkit Principles Only PDF is an abridged version of the Toolkit containing just the 20 principles.

Suggestions for how to use the ERP Toolkit:

  • Child Welfare Directors and their CPM implementation teams read through the entire toolkit to familiarize themselves with its content and relevance to the county’s needs
  • CW Directors engage their CPM implementation teams to determine which principles and tools/resources will help advance the CPM implementation objectives in the county’s plan
  • Share relevant segments of the toolkit with partners and collaborators who will be engaged in the CPM implementation process
  • Adapt Tools/Resources as needed for county CPM implementation needs
  • Use Toolkit content as a stimulus for deeper dialogue and stronger alignment with partners, communities and other child-serving systems
  • Revisit the ERP Toolkit as counties move into subsequent phases of CPM implementation
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